About $500 worth of dividends over the past and coming few days. While I am about $1,500 short before reaching the $20,000 mark of capital invested (money from my salary, not from gains and dividends). If I were to divest some of my smaller loss-making positions, namely Asiatic Group (break even) and Stratech, (down 2 cents from purchase price) it will top the amount to $3,000.
A slight deviation. I have been holding on to Asiatic and Stratech since the middle of last year. Although the power making Asiatic has seen a run up in share price, it was all down hill for motion sensor company Stratech. After a brief turnaround, which saw it being taken out of the SGX Watchlist, Stratech slumped back into the red with a loss-making 6 months.
What will I do with the $2,000 - $3,000? Since the end of the month is coming, I am feeling trigger happy but there a lack of good investing ideas. I flipped through my dad's past edition of Shares Investment and struggled to find any leads. I would like to average up on my existing holdings, namely Etika International or C&O Pharmaceutical but it would dilute any sense of "multi-bagger-ness". I did also consider China Animal Healthcare, but the stock has had its dual-listing almost priced in. I can of course keep the money as a cash buffer in my portfolio.
Here is a list of companies other than I am holding that I may research and take action on, if you have other good SGX-listed investing ideas, do post your comments!
1. Del Monte Holdings. Very illiquid stock doing FMCG which is an industry I love most.
2. Ezra Holdings. Very geared company but it is making its move to cement its market share through latest acquisition of Akers. But I can only buy one lot.
3. AusGroup. Exposure to the Australian mining sector but as a contractor, it is prone to margin pressures as well as competition from outside Australia.