Sunday, October 25, 2009


The STI rose 0.27%, one of the smallest gains so far. the portfolio did worse falling 1.37%. Wall Street suffered a correction on Friday and this might mean a less than ideal start to next week. 2,700 seem like the resting place in the meanwhile. i hope i don't speak too soon though.

my cousin asked me what i thought about Ezra Holding because she is considering of getting following there contract wins. i did not tell her much except show her the 5-year chart and told her that they have that "Ice Maiden" project which they acquired at distressed levels. the latter might contribute to the earnings but when, i do not know.

my dad was perhaps very wise. he said that how much higher can it go considering everyone has heard about it. a watched takes some time to rise and there is always the risk that you are the greater fool. hence, when you buy a stock because it is in the mainstream press, there is that chance you are over paying for it, making inferior returns. try to do your own stock scans looking out for great businesses to hold for 1-year out.

Also, I tried my best not to look at the stock quotes but instead kept my eyes peeled on filings on the SGX website. I feel better not looking at the prices because i get less angsty or excited. i think i will try to do that for the whole of next week, looking only at the end of friday so to update. you should try to do that too.

i think i might to suss out any good ideas.


  1. Hi,

    If your cousin is interested, I have some write-ups on Ezra on my blog. You can ask her to take a look if she wishes.


  2. na it is alright MW.

    from what i learned, people tend not to enjoy more information.

    when somebody is asking your opinion of the stock. there is that tendency he/she is seeking affirmation for his choice.

    like some wise person once said, investing is meant to be lonely because it is close to a zero sum game.

    in the long run, it is always the casino operator that wins
